Your designated "water watcher" wears this tag so there is no mistake about who has an "eagle eye" on the children and is actively, not passively supervising. According to SAFE KIDS WORLDWIDE, nearly 90% of all children who drown were in the care of one or both parents. By wearing this tag and applying this technique when you and your family is around the water--you ensure there is no lapse of supervision.
"Currently working in the field of Children's Injury Prevention, I have sought out many different educational programs on swim safety throughout the US. The Swim Lessons University program and the Safer Three message is second to none. Jim's approach is innovative, self empowering to children and adults and most importantly it works. For any parent wishing to help their child or themselves learn how to swim in a safe and anxiety free environment, look no further!"Bob Gildner
Coordinator, SAFE KIDS Midlands Palmetto Health, Children's Hospital, Columbia, SC
"This is paramount. Jim Reiser does an outstanding job in presenting the rules and tips to children--and also to their parents." Bill Irwin
Coach, Columbia, SC