Teaching Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Video

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Included in our improved eLearning platform

  • 10 Chapters
  • Accessible from computer or mobile device


Course Details

10 Success Strategies Every Swim Teacher Should Know!

Children with autism are being turned down by the dozen in swim schools across America just like yours. Not because swim teachers don't want to help, but because most swimming teachers don't feel like they have the knowledge necessary to teach these special children successfully…and most of them don't.

In this brand new video program—You will learn the 10 success strategies you need to be successful. Jim Reiser teams up with Autism Specialist Vi Hendley, who brings in 28 years of teaching experience with individuals who have Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

Together, we have the opportunity to touch the lives of thousands of children who may be otherwise neglected the opportunity to learn to swim because of their special needs. Thank you for joining us in the journey.



I taught special education for 10 years (mainly deaf and hard of hearing students) and you have created a great checklist!! I will definitely incorporate it into our program (giving you full credit, of course!). I hope to meet you at an USSSA conference some day! I have enjoyed watching all of your videos!
Carrie DeMont
DeMont Family Swim School
Tucson, Arizona

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