Authorized Providers
Is your organization looking to purchase your instructor trainees' access to the Swim Lessons University training and certification exams? We created a new process to accommodate you!
Here are the steps for your organization:
1. Log in with the email account that is assigned to your organization
2. Click on the “Authorized Provider Only” option in the menu (only shows for the account tied to your organization)
3. Select the course that you want to purchase for your Instructor trainees with the number of trainees you will provide access to.
We will create a coupon code and email it to you for distribution to your instructor trainees.
Here are the steps for your trainees to gain access to the course:
1. They will access our website and place their order for their course using the specified coupon code.
2. When checking out, they will apply the coupon code for the free course (paid by your organization)

The trainee will receive an order confirmation, and within 10 minutes will receive an email from the eElearning platform providing details on how to access the course.
If you are not already one of our SLU approved organizations, you can start the process of being setup by purchasing our Instructor-Trainer License.
Once your application is approved, the Swim Lessons University office will email your Instructor-Trainer license and you can immediately start administering the SLU Training Program to your staff!
Please note: This is a one-time application fee. Upon receipt of your qualifications, you will be licensed within 7-10 business days. If you have additional questions, please email